Saturday 5 May 2012

The Impact On Teens.

After thinking about the many acticles I have read in the last little while about how many teenage girls turn to hurting themselves because they suffer from deppression or eating disorders etc cause of the things they see in the media and some even turn to suicide because they think it's the only way to stop them from hurting inside for not being that skinny, beautiful, talented or whatever. I saw this article, It has statistics about how the influence of celebrity suicides impact teens and how the victims friends follow.

Its so sad to think they did this all cause of the effect the media had on them. The bullying from peers and being called ugly. The models themselves look like everyone else. But after photoshop, they are a different person. Some models and celebrities are shocked at how much they have been changed in some adverts. I would be too if i was them.

 If only the media didn't sell fake. If only real was what we all saw. IF ONLY.